In Limbo

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First thing’s first, this is not a game for kids. It’s creepy, there’s gore (you can turn that off, but it wouldn’t be the same experience), there’s suicidal tendencies, and the main character is a little boy that gets F’ed up repeatedly. Now that that’s over with… This game, in it’s simplicity, is probably one of the most creepiest games I’ve ever played.

The story starts with you waking up in the forest. That’s it. That’s all they give you. But, that’s all they need to give you, really. As you progress, you get hints as to what you’re doing there. But let it be known they are very, very subtle hints. The final parts of the game working up to the end are very interesting, though. I’m gonna stop there. You just have to experience it for yourself.

Gameplay is simple; Jump and Action (Moving boxes, pulling switches, etc). Now the Achievements are different. There is one for beating the game, one for beating it with dying 5 times or less, and the rest are for finding hidden eggs all over the world and breaking them.

The Good: This game will keep you entertained for hours trying to figure out each puzzle. You will also die… A LOT. There is no way around that. But you say, “How is that a good thing?” It is…Trust me. The only way to learn is through trial and error. Also, every different way you can die is almost unexpected. Not only will you *gasp*, *flinch*, and *cringe*… but you will laugh hysterically at least once.

The Bad: This game could be frustrating is so many ways. Not only that, but the replay value behind it is based on the Achievements. After finding all the eggs, beating it in under 5 lives (it’s called “No Point in Dying”) is the toughy. But once you’ve done that… What else is there to do?

Price: 1200 MicroSoft points ($15) To be honest, I’m not sure it’s worth that much just because of the weak replay factor, but, to each his own. I had a really fun time playing it.

Overall this game is awesome. It’s a great play, it’s entertaining, and it’ll keep you thinking all the way through.
Platforms: XBLA (Xbox 360 only)
AMMIH Rating: 4/5
Sicky’s Motion Sickness Rating: 0/5


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