Dead Rising 2: The Music

Many things go into making a game enjoyable. Graphics, story, game play, and sometimes overlooked is music. Having fitting and catchy music from Prime Sound in a game can really make a difference. For Dead Rising 2, the man behind some of the music is known as Klayton with his band Celldweller.

As you are hacking and slashing your way through a zombie horde, you will be jamming out to six of his songs. The titles to each are: “Switchback”, “The Best It’s Gonna Get”, “I Believe You”, “Eon”, “Own Little World”, and “Narrow Escape.” Klayton is also the man behind the writing for Dead Rising 2’s ending theme called “Kill The Sound” which has a potentially familiar voice lending their talents. Some of these titles may seem familiar, and they rightly should as “Kill The Sound” and “The Best It’s Gonna Get” were both in Case Zero released at the end of August.

Celldweller is currently on tour and are playing many of the songs from Dead Rising 2, and other video games that their work appears in. If you are interested in catching a live show, go check out their tour page to find out where the band will be playing. If you are looking to check out Celldweller’s music and you don’t think you’ve heard it before, they have some sample work put up here for people to listen to. Though if you haven’t heard of their music, I’d have to ask you do any of these sound familiar: Enter the Matrix, American Idol, H.A.W.K.S 2, The Gates, Criss Angel: Mind Freak, Daybreakers, Crackdown, or Forza 3.

For an independant artist, Celldweller’s hybrid fusion of aggressive electronic music with a mix of orchestral and rock influences has brought them great success. Let’s hope we continue to hear more of this band’s music in future games. If there is one thing I like more than having a shotgun while zombie killing is some rocking music.


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