Graphics And What They Mean Now

Hello readers, I happened to sit down and flip through my usual RSS feeds of gaming related news to find an interesting article posted over at IGN. It touches on a phenomena that was tremendously common just a handful of years ago. The rush for bleeding edge graphics in games.

While I wont spoil the entire article for you, because it really is an interesting read, I will lay down a few things. Game console makers Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo (AKA The Big Three) have pulled away from their past company practices of churning out bleeding edge hardware onto the market in favor of extending the current generation of consoles. An interesting idea, and dare I say a bit kinder to the pocket book.

The whole article explains that no longer is it necessary for a company to push out a game that has the absolute best graphics anymore to be successful. The market has changed and made way for innovation rather than flashy presentations. However, for those interested in learn more about 3d product rendering can bring to the table, there are plenty of resources available to explore. This is a good step for video games, my friends, and I do hope it continues to bring us little gems to enjoy.

Check the link for the article and share your thoughts.

[source: IGN]


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