Split-screen Peekers Beware

Here’s a little tidbit that Xeropain sent to us. Using the magic of a Philips 3D TV and some special 3D glasses, the issues that come with doing splitscreen gaming are more or less solved. No more knowing exactly when to duck around a corner to avoid a sniper bullet, so long as you can shell out the cash for this setup that is.

The trick to accomplishing this feat is rather straight forward. Each set of glasses is “tinted” for a specific picture that will be displayed on the TV. I think an improvement to the system would be the ability to have two separate sets of channels for the audio. Using that you could have two people watching two different TV shows at the same time, or you know maybe playing two video game consoles at the same time. Watch the video below to get a look at a showing of this technology in action.


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