Tag Archives: facebook

Oct 14

PAX Swag Giveaway Winner!

And the AMMIH PAX 2011 Swag Giveaway winner IS…. Yes, the awesome person that gets ALL THIS… *Drumroll*…. Wait for it… No really… NUMBER 14!! Wait, who is that?… James “The Major”! Congratulations, Man! You have just won “All That Swag”! For chances to win more free sh… stuff… Bookmark Us, Follow @MatchMadeInHalo on Twitter, […]

Oct 07

Late To The Sims Party

I recently jumped on The Sims Social bandwagon on Facebook. I tried The Sims once before but I didn’t really get it. At the time it seemed like a lot of work with little pay off. Recently however, while on twitter I kept reading tweets from Trixie360 and her husband Reighvin about how their sims […]

Sep 09


So, Plants Vs. Zombies finally hits Xbox Live! We’ve been patiently awaiting its arrival, too. (If you can believe that…) We became addicted to this game a while back, and since have given it a rest. But now that PopCap has dropped it to our favorite console, it’s on once again. The game comes with […]

Sep 07

AMMIH Podcast #2: RTFM

Week #2 kicks off and this time we changed a few things with the audio. Let us know if this is an improvement and give us some feedback by commenting below. Make sure you listen carefully, it could be rewarding… In this Podcast: Desirai Labrada, GT= SickNdehed John Henry, GT= PsychoVandal Jeffrey Pia, GT= Xx […]

May 18

Facebook, Privacy and You – Tech Tuesday #40

Facebook was founded with the intention of connecting with people you know. The site has evolved since then, and now Facebook seems to be focused on enhancing the entire web experience. It lets you share information easily and connect with people you don’t know who have similar interests. It also allows vendors target their services […]

Feb 16

Google Buzz, Windows Phone 7 – Tech Tuesday #28

Tech Tuesday #28 Welcome to the latest installment of Tech Tuesday! There was a ton of stuff going on in the tech world this week, but unfortunately I’ve only got so much space to work with so I will pick the top 2: Google Buzz and Windows Phone 7. Both attracted a huge amount of […]