Just in case you were wondering, this reading challenge isn’t getting any easier. It took me a whole week to read the last book which was only 150 pages.
This week I went from 10 books to 11 by reading:
- Nightlight: A Parody
by The Harvard Lampoon
PsychoVandal went from 5 books to 6 by reading:
- The Little Money Bible
by Stuart Wilde
When we first decided to do weekly reading challenge updates I had no intention of reviewing every book. I figured the amazon links were enough for anyone remotely interested. However this book sucked so freaking bad I can’t help but rant about it. It was so painful to get through. I wanted to dump it after the first few pages but I’d rather finish it and have valid reasons for hating it. I’m actually a big Twilight fan. This book had the potential to be really funny, but I think there’s only one part that actually made me chuckle.
“So, Belle, what’s new today?”
“Dad,” I said, grasping his hands and looking directly into his eyes. “I’m in the deepest love that has ever occurred in the history of the world.”
“Gosh, Belle. When someone asks you ‘What’s new?’ the correct answer is ‘Not much’. Besides, isn’t it a little soon to cut yourself off from the rest of your peers, depending on a boyfriend to satisfy your social needs as opposed to making friends? Imagine what would happen if something forced that boy to leave! I’m imagining pages and pages would happen – with nothing but the names of the months on them.”
This book read like a really crappy SNL skit. The characters were all really over-exaggerated. Sometimes there were pages and pages where there were no Twilight references at all.
If you’re thinking of buying this book do yourself a favor and read the first 3 chapters. That’s more than enough to decide whether you can stomach it or not.
I think at this point we’re both getting desperate. I’ve resorted to asking my ten year old son what HE’S reading. As far as I’m concerned if it’s over 100 pages it’s fair game.
A New Challenger Has Appeared!
AJ’s been so entertained by our little competition that he’s begged me to include him. So… as of today the stakes have been revised. If I finish 24 books first PsychoVandal has to clean and organize my son’s room AND closet. If Psycho reads 24 books first I owe him 3 video games of his choice, and if AJ wins he wants this Star Wars Interactive R2D2.
This week AJ went from 7 books to 9 by reading:
- Titanic #1: Unsinkable
by Gordan Korman
- I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005
by Lauren Tarshis
On an unrelated note, Psycho has been taking a break from reading to familiarize himself with the Halo: Reach Anniversary Maps. He’ll be reviewing them and doing a map pack giveaway soon. Stay tuned!
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