Category Archives: Gaming News

TF2 Crew Hits Hero Academy Hits Steam

Team Fortress coming to Hero Academy is the celebration for Hero Academy getting it’s release on Steam. Hoo-Rah!


Official Halo 4 Xbox Bundle

So the Examiner was correct… The Halo 4 Bundle WAS meant to be released during SDCC! (duh) So here’s the low down on that…


Halo 4 Xbox 360 Bundle Leaked

Earlier today the Microsoft store had accidentally listed the Halo 4 Limited Edition Xbox 360 bundle. What’s crazy, is that IGN was on top of it like white on rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm.At least that’s what Kotaku says… The link has since been removed, of course. […]


Dance Central 3 Song List Sneak Peek

When Dance Central 3 was announced at E3 in early June, I wasn’t surprised. We knew it was coming. We love the entire series and I’m sure we’ll own that one too. So I didn’t think much of it. Til Yesterday…


Forward Unto Dawn Official Teaser Trailer (Live Action)

Yes… LIVE ACTION HALO! Not just cut scenes, but an entire digital series. Cannot wait. Watch this teaser and then we dance… Did you subscribe?… YOU BETTER HAVE!