Nov 22
No. I’m not going to play Activision’s Hunting games. Though, I should…
I’ve decided to back track through the massive stack(s) of games we have to go Achievement Hunting. I’ve actually started playing Kameo again. I got 140 points in 30 minutes and I realized how easy it use to be to get achievements back then. Now we have Seriously 3.0.
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Nov 20
Now, I tried to find some Thanksgiving Shots, but it seems there isn’t much (Good) to choose from at this time. So I did a random search to find these. Another problem I had was that this guy “Apollo Creed 1” was the author of majority of the shots I found. Every time I found one that should go up… it was his. But, I didn’t want him to dominate today’s post. He’s good guys. Check his stuff out. Let him know we’re on to him… 😉

“Innovated” by Apollo Creed 01 on 10.23.2010
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| Tags: Bungie studios, files, Fileshare, Forge, Gamers, Gaming, Halo, Halo Screenshots, Halo: Reach, Microsoft, Multiplayer, Reach, Screenshots, Video Games, Xbox 360, Xbox Live
Nov 16
The race to read 24 books before the end of 2011 is still on! Unfortunately this week was pretty slow for us.
I went from 9 to 10 books by reading:
PsychoVandal went from 4 to 5 books by reading:
With 14 books still left to read in 6 weeks time, I can’t help but wonder how unrealistic this goal might be. But then I remind myself ‘the only limitations we have are the ones we place on ourselves’ or as Psycho likes to say ‘Can’t never could do nothing.’ lol I’ve heard him say that so many times. But it’s only now, reading it at 7:00 am that I’m finding it incredibly funny. Can’t never could do nothing? WHO SAYS THAT? lol But I digress…I’m not sure why, but at this moment in time I’m completely unwilling to accept I can’t do this. I guess we’ll see!
Does anyone have any good book recommendations (preferably 200 pages or less)?
Note: We occasionally use affiliate links in our posts. This happens to be one of those times. Read more about our Disclosure Policy here.
Nov 14
Tonight at midnight, something grand happens. The clock switches to 12:00?
Yes, but that’s not what I’m talking about. Tonight, the when that time hits, the public will be swarming into stores to grab Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition.
We’ve been seeing a lot of information about how this game is going to “set the bar” on how a “Re-Make” SHOULD be done.
This will mark the second time that Halo:CE would make a statement on the gaming industry.
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| Tags: 10 Years of Halo, 343i, 3rd, AC:R, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, community, GameStop, Halo, Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo:CEA, Marvel Versus Capcom, Microsoft, midnight launch, Need for Speed, NFS, Origins, Rayman, Saints Row the third, the run, Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3, UMvC3, Video Games
Nov 13
Today we Celebrate the Birthday of @Instyle76! Everyone wish him a good one!

“A Present 4 YOU!” by END3R5 SH4D0W on 12.01.2010
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| Tags: Bungie, Bungie studios, files, Fileshare, Forge, Gamers, Gaming, Halo, Halo Screenshots, Halo: Reach, Happy Birthday, Instyle76, Microsoft, Multiplayer, Reach, Screenshots, Video Games, Xbox 360, Xbox Live
Nov 09
Last week we announced a little catch up competition between Psycho and I. In January we both set a goal of reading 24 books for the year. Unfortunately we’ve fallen incredibly behind on our reading. In an effort to motivate ourselves we turned it into a competition and are now rushing to finish our 24 books before the end of this year.
With all three of our Xboxes being out of commission (more on that later) reading is now at the top of our list of things to do. Read More »