Once again, the same disclaimer from part 1 applies to this post. If you missed Part 1 go back and check it out now.
Generator Defense has launched and we’ve had our time to poke at the game type and map a bit. Most matches have a noticeable amount of delay when doing certain actions, but Bungie did warn us to expect that. The game is two rounds long, with three members on each team. Spartans spawn at the top of a hill near a barn with three generators they must defend from the Elites who spawn at the bottom of the hill. Elites must shoot, slash, and ‘nade spam the generators until they explode. Don’t think the Spartans have no defense against this though as they can run to each generator and activate a blast shield that will completely protect the generator for thirty seconds allowing them to regroup and help their team mates without worry.
Facebook was founded with the intention of connecting with people you know. The site has evolved since then, and now Facebook seems to be focused on enhancing the entire web experience. It lets you share information easily and connect with people you don’t know who have similar interests. It also allows vendors target their services to your specific tastes. On the one hand, having a highly customized user experience sounds very idealistic, but on the other, some feel that personal information can be shared a bit too easily and without the users’ knowledge or control. Read More »
Now, to get this straight… this may be a review, but it’s on a BETA! Remember that. This is also meant to be taken simply as observations of what we’ve seen so far and by no means are we judging this beta. Both PsychoVandal and Ryokea co-wrote this to bring out a few points and some information about the beta. We both realize we may leave stuff out, but that is likely because we are not actually giving any sort of grade or score on this beta. There will be a thorough review of the final product when it is released by Bungie this fall.
So we got our chance to throw down in the BETA version of Halo: Reach, and oh boy we CANNOT WAIT for the real thing. If you have not had a chance to check it out, you don’t have much time left. The BETA test phase ends May 19. Also, those who are Silver Xbox Live members will have access to the benefits of Gold members for the 14th -17th! Want to know how to get in on it? Go here. If you’ve already been enjoying the BETA then you know much of what we’re about to spew.. Read More »