May 11
So say you’re a small business that has so far stuck to cash-only transactions. They’re quick, easy, and there are no fees involved. What you may not realizes is that you are alienating the increasingly large percentage of your target audience that carry a credit card and very little cash (myself included). But accepting credit cards is a hassle, right? The equipment is bulky and costs hundreds of dollars up front, plus the fees are outrageous! Well my friend, that could all soon change. Read More »
| Tags: android, apple ipad, apple iphone, AppleIpad, AppleIphone, credit cards, iPad, iPhone, Jack Dorsey, merchant account, mobile payment, mobile payment system, mobile payments, MobilePayment, MobilePayments, MobilePaymentSystem, Square, Square Up, SquareUp
May 09

“Warrior’s Flame” by o XEROPAIN o on 5.08.2010
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| Tags: BETA, Bungie studios, files, Fileshare, Gamers, Gaming, Halo, Halo Screenshots, Halo: Reach, Reach, Recon, Screenshots, Video Games, Xbox 360, Xbox Live
May 04
You may hear these terms tossed around a lot lately, and quite frequently in the same sentence. But what are HTML5 and CSS3? And what do they mean to me? I’ll tell you how they differ to what is currently used around the web and give you an idea as to how they can impact your user experience. Read More »
May 02

“Grit” by El Roboto on 4.30.2010
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| Tags: BETA, Bungie studios, files, Fileshare, Gamers, Gaming, Halo, Halo Screenshots, Reach, Screenshots, Video Games, Xbox Live
Apr 29
Well now, this certainly has been an interesting day already. Browsing along B.Net, I come across this little blog post by Urk. Take a moment and read that if you will, because the next bit may be a little hard to believe. It was just announced today that Bungie has signed an exclusive deal with Activision that will last for the next ten years.
First thought, wow really? Even with all this Infinity Ward stuff going on? Then again, Bungie knows how to handle themselves (look back to Bungie Day ’07) and Activision does admittedly have a worldwide reach in the gaming market. So while it may seem odd at first, it does make complete sense for them to pursue this deal if they wish to complete Step 7 of their world domination checklist.
Here’s one last little thing for you to think over, in Urk’s post this is mentioned:
“We chose to partner with Activision on our next IP because of their global reach, multi-platform experience and marketing expertise,” said Harold Ryan, President of Bungie. “From working together over the past nine months on this agreement, it is clear that Activision supports our commitment to giving our fans the best possible gaming experiences.”
Yes. You read that right, multi-platform. It’s been awhile since a Bungie game has been on anything but the Xbox console, but it seems like Bungie’s next IP will not be a platform exclusive title.
I invite everyone to discuss, share ideas why this could be a good or bad thing. I know where I stand on this deal, but where do you stand? I particularly want to hear from members of the 7th Column on this matter. You know who you are.