Mar 01

AMMIH on The Running Riot Podcast

Last Wednesday PsychoVandal and I had the pleasure of sitting down with Kete from The Running Riot. The interview ran close to 2 hours with some minor technical difficulties, but that didn’t stop any of us from having fun. Read More »

Feb 28

Screenshot Sundays #37

“SpecOps Memory” by McDonaldzz on 10.07.2008

“light/dark” by CN OvErLoAd on 06.10.2009

“Dark Chaos” by ZERO C0R3 on 07.12.2008

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Feb 26


I will do my utmost to resist making blatant jokes about…things. Originally I bought Bayonetta for the nudi…err…the fact that it is made by the same guy who did Devil May Cry..? Yea, I wouldn’t buy that line from a guy either when it comes to this game. One thing came to mind right before actually purchasing the game, and that thought was: it is sad that Hideki will probably be far more well known for this game than Devil May Cry.

Once I had some time alone, and those of you that just snickered at your monitors have just lost the game, I popped the disc in and booted up the game. Immediately I was greeted by an intriguing cut scene and a remake of a very very familiar song. The game had locked in my interest for the next several hours. Not just to check out how well the physics engine works on…well you get the idea. The whole game felt really familiar considering I’ve played Hideki’s DMC series in the past.

When it comes to anything relating to any sort of time manipulation in a video game, generally I get really disappointed for various reasons. In Bayonetta I liked the way they handled the concept and back story behind the ability, but honestly wished it was expanded upon even more. Using Witch Time is the key to many battles and for gaining high amounts of Halos, but I would have liked to see it used a bit more creatively in some puzzles throughout the game. Other than that small personal quibble with the game I honestly can’t say I didn’t enjoy every other aspect of it.

The rendition of Frank Sinatra’s Fly Me To The Moon used throughout the game could be considered a pure stroke of genius on the developer’s behalf. Not only was this new version catchy as hell, but really complimented the personality of the main character. Some of the alternate weapons you could unlock gives you a fairly decent mix and match sort of scenario to play in when it comes to deciding what sets of weapons you want to use to pound your enemies….with.

For fans of Hideki’s work, this is a pretty well rounded example of what the man delivers with each new installment thrust into the gaming market and as such a reasonable price tag attached. For anyone else? Still not a bad deal for an interesting game with a pretty good story. I’d recommend it as at least a rental to those unsure if it warrants the full price.

For a game that marketed itself on sex appeal. I wasn’t disappointed with overall quality of it. Hideki’s team took their formula for DMC and mixed it up a bit, tossed in an overly sexual female as the player character, topped it off with some story, and finally added in an awesome sound track. For those that have yet to experience the game, I want to reiterate one point I made earlier: fan service, this game is full of it from beginning to end…and then it has this dance sequence. Seriously, pretty much out of no where after the stripper dance during the credits, all the characters from throughout the game get together and decide to shake it with Bayonetta in a series of short clips.

Platforms: Xbox 360, PS3

AMMIH Rating: 4/5

SMS (Sicky’s Motion Sickness) Rating: 2/5 (Lower is Better)

Feb 24

Time To Rally The Troops

Ryo dropping in to have a little chat, even if it is a bit one sided this way. Reading over some old gaming news headlines reminded me of Microsoft’s announcement that they are shutting down all servers for original Xbox titles come April. I also recall a post from our friends over at Bungie that they wish to have a “community get together” on the 14th for everyone to send out Halo 2 in the only fitting way, everyone gaming their hearts out. I haven’t picked up Halo 2 in so long that I actually had to go dig on my shelf in my closet to find it, but now my game rests right next to my television just waiting for me to pop it in and go shoot up some Covenant/Spartans.

What I propose to you, is that we gather every single person we know that owns a copy of the game and has a few hours on that night in April to rally together and make sure that one of our most beloved games isn’t sent out with a whimper but with a bang. This is the end of an era, but that doesn’t mean we will forget those times we spent late nights just reaching for the next rank.

I’d like for all of AMMIH’s staff to edit this with their thoughts and list if you will be participating that night along with your gamertag. I plan to take the night off of work if I have to, so I don’t intend to miss out on this last hurrah. Time for me to sign out, come April 14th contact me at my gamertag Ryokea Hakubi if you want to get in on a team.

Ken Raves: Hey, this is…well, Ken. I came into Halo “late”, like, a few months before the Halo 3 Announcment trailer. And didn’t get LIVE til like, two years ago. But Halo and Halo 2 were…awe inspiring. I loved them, they were my first few games for Xbox. I have a history with this game and while I only ever played two online custom games, I will not miss this, and I may even beg to miss a day of school for this. Halo 2 launched Halo into what it really is today, in my opinion. It changed things. My gamertag is “Ken Raves” and I will personally escort Halo 2 unto the Great Journey if I have too. Semper Fi.

Feb 21

Screenshot Sunday #36

“Dark Shadow” by EPIC DarkSHAD0W on 04.16.2008

“EVA Evolved” by Ultimatum VI on 09.30.2008

“Dusk Execution” by IAwkwardSilence on 05.31.2009

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Feb 18

Dante’s Inferno


Back from my little hiatus on writing, I’ve come with a review of a game I literally just finished five minutes before typing this first line. Dante’s Inferno was one of two big name releases to hit on the same day, other being Bioshock 2. It was a tough decision, but ultimately I went with Dante’s Inferno simply because the game is based on the Divine Comedy. I followed the concept art and the leaked screenshots closely in anticipation before the release, and what really drove me closer to the decision of purchasing this game was the Super Bowl trailer which I happened to catch while walking through the living room. Read More »