Back again after a very long week, and realizing very little of what I wanted to accomplish was actually even thought about during the entire time. Life for you, hmm? Anyway, today may feel a bit short due to my utter inability to be creative at all after a near solid forty plus hours of being awake. That kinda takes a knife to the creative portions of your brain to “borrow” it for awhile for whatever purpose. I’m good until the wall starts talking to me, so let’s get to the news or I may take a nap on my keyboard. Not very comfortable if you’ve never experienced that before by the way. Read More »
This may be Superbowl Weekend, but there’s a different buzz that’s striking Miami. GamerTag Radio is hosting their 5th Anniversary Party, “Community Vibes 5” at the Ecco Lounge. “Community Vibes 5 will be like nothing before as we show the world how to party, GTR and Miami style, the day before the SuperBowl.”
Those of you looking to party “Gamer Style,” come on out! Godfree and GTR have announced that there will be:
Live Performances
Special Guests Appearances by NFL Players, EA Sports and more
Old school games from the ‘80s, ‘90s and today thanks to Infinite Bits
First 1000 Entrants get something Special from GTR and 2K Games!
…and many more surprises!
When: Saturday, Feb. 6th 3pm-10pm
Where: Ecco Lounge – 168 SE 1st Street @ SE 2nd Avenue, Downtown Miami
Who: GTR & You
Cost: NOTHING! No charge…just come out and PARTY!
You can check out more info on Facebook and
SickNdehed and I will be attending the festivities and trying to land some of the swag. You should, too! If you see us there, be sure to stop and say “Hi!” We will be donning our A Match Made In Halo shirts for easy detection.
The original Vandal Hearts was the first Tactical RPG I ever laid my hands on, and boy did I love it! Of course, there have been more since then: Front Mission 3 (I miss this one too), Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre, etc. I’m not sure which was developed first, but Vandal Hearts was my introduction to this genre. It has a place near and dear my heart (in case you haven’t noticed, there’s a lil hint to the origin of my name).
Here we have the third installment to the Vandal Hearts series, which comes to us as a prequel. I couldn’t wait to dive into it. The game started off the usual way with a quick tutorial (and I do mean QUICK) on how to do what, then straight into the blood spilling action.
If you’ve played the previous titles, the gameplay is very familiar, with a little bit of improvement to the graphics. My only gripe is that they skimped on the spells a bit, but they made that up with the number of customizations you can do to each character. Each stat increases individually so the characters adapt to your playing style. Everything is interchangeable, which makes it easy for each play-through to be different.
The main character is named Tobias, who is an orphaned boy being taught by the church. He and a new recruit are in a weapons class (tutorial) when the town is raided. From there you are thrown into the army and your party starts to amass from there. I’m not going into the story any more than that. If you’ve played the previous games, it gives you insight into the past.
Now the only complaints I had were the spells (as previously mentioned) and the rumors I heard about the game. I had read about multi-player capabilities and up to six endings, but they have been snuffed. I guess those sources weren’t so reliable.
Down to the pricing. This bad boy is downloadable for around $15. Honestly, I shouldn’t be complaining at all. You get a decent amount of game time through the story, two different endings, and it was just as much fun to re-play as it was the first play-through. And BOY did I replay that one!
All in all, VH:FoJ is a great game to pick up off of the marketplace.
Hello again everyone, taking a break from busting up Paradiso minions to relax in my chair and flip through some news. Yes, then it is straight back to playing Bayonetta. Sad part? The guy who created it, Hideki Kamiya, will probably be more recognized for Bayonetta than the Devil May Cry series. Anyway, that’s a chat for a whole different series of articles not dealing with Tech Tuesday so let’s get to this shall we? I have bosses to kick around after all.
Lets play a game. We can call it…”This Sounds Like A Bad Idea” game. Got it? Good, now for the main star of this game this time around: the Department of Defense for the US. Starting to get a little nervous now hmm? What have they done? Well did you know that the DoD has declared Gmail as an accepted alternative for official use. You know, that whole situation fits the bill for this game waaay too well. Some things just should not be discussed outside of a closed network, if you want my opinion. This little tidbit of DoD practices comes to light with the recent hacking of multiple Gmail accounts. I give Google the credit that they do put up some strong security, but I have my doubts that is strong enough to have the DoD discussing potentially sensitive information with their service.
Digging through the pile of headlines, I came across something titled ‘Cyber Genome Project’ and noticed the mention of DARPA in the headline as well. Immediately had my interest, so I donned my bandanna and decided to infiltrate…and I think we’re done with the Metal Gear Solid reference right there. This new project by DARPA wants to create some way of imprinting a unique signature onto anything you create digitally so it can then be traced back to you. They cite DNA as their basis of this project since each person’s is unique. DARPA has stated that there will be workshops set up to test out this new tech for interested individuals in the US. Should be interesting seeing how this affects how things are copyrighted on the internet.
Apple has apparently been probing the TV networks to lower the price of the episodes they list on iTunes. Not a bad idea, and their reasoning behind it makes sense too. People tend to watch a video multiple times, the “value” of that video reduces over time so lowering the cost now will encourage more sales and make up for lost revenue later on down the road. Not a bad business move if you already have the crowd that iTunes has drawn to it. Apple is pushing for the networks to drop their prices of their shows down to a dollar. I’d consider paying a buck to see a show I happened to miss an episode of so I’m liking the sound of things so far, but honestly still am waiting to see a redesign of the iTunes program before I jump on a bandwagon anytime soon.
Well, I don’t have a funny video today. What I do have is your daily dose of lasers though. US military has been testing a drone, dubbed YAL-1, that has a laser mounted on it, the purpose of the laser is to shoot down incoming missiles. Sound cool? Of course it does, lasers are involved. Check out the thermal imaging from one of the tests.
And with that, I’m out. Time to kick around some bosses on Bayonetta then maybe finish Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgment. Till next week.