Dec 20

Screenshot Sundays #28

“merry christmas” by Alcapowned8592 on 11.25.2008

“J_Skell_pred_01” by xkevlar on 10.28.2008

“Rudolph” by Black Theorem on 12.09.2008

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Dec 15

Tech Tuesday #19: Strange Tidings

Ryo back with a fairly amusing, and very catchy, video to share with you. Discovered this little gem thanks to my video game news feeder I have on my homepage. That time of the year is coming up, so everyone share with me what geeky little gadgets you are trying to score this holiday season. Extra points go to anyone who is having their family members shop ThinkGeek for the gifts.

Every once in awhile, I come across a story that gives me a bit of insight into how many talents some people have. In this case, it is a story about an iPhone app that was programmed by a group of radiologists. The app (OsiriX) makes news because radiologists are shuffling into the support group for this little piece of code. A trial study was conducted at University of Virginia with people suspected of having acute appendicitis. The radiologists with the app viewed the CT Scans of 25 patients, and diagnosed appendicitis correctly in 99% of the cases. Only one false negative came out of that study. So it seems the app has proven it is a good first leap in the right direction for those in the medical profession. Though the $19.99 price tag may influence that a bit. We’ll see how things turn out, but if history is an indicator: once someone pushes an idea out into the open, others will take it and run with it.

Google is at it again, and yes I realize I do a lot of things over Google but usually they do interesting stuff so it is newsworthy. This time around, they have opened up a URL shortening service called As of right now this isn’t opened for use to the general web quite yet so other services still have time to produce some unique ideas to keep ahead in the competition. Also, Google has announced that they are pushing their Googlephone dubbed Nexus One to T-Mobile in January. Don’t feel left out, those of you on other carriers (me) though because they plan to sell an unlocked version as well.

Gonna keep this bit short due to not wishing to brush too much into politics. Basically, back during the Bush administration it seems some e-mails were mislabeled and lost. This was noticed by the National Security Archive and lawsuits were filed. Computer technicians were hired for the task of figuring out where the e-mails went so proper action could be taken and it seems that 22 million e-mails have been recovered. So it seems like good news so far, and that’s all I’m going to say on this so take from the events what you will.

AT&T iPhone users, listen up. This one is for you. It seems an iPhone user has gotten sick of what AT&T offers as their network and for some…questionable comments regarding people who use the data network heavily. An idea was dreamed up and posted by Dan Lyons (Strong language in his post) on his blog. To sum it up: iPhone users activate a data intensive app on Friday the 18th at 12:00 PM PST and let it run for at least an hour. The goal is to bottleneck the data network to send a message to AT&T that they need to rethink their words and how they run their network a bit better. I’d gladly lend my sword to his revolt if I had an iPhone and was on the AT&T network. Lend your support and maybe something interesting will come out of this.

The time has come for me to share with you the video that really just made my day upon its discovery. I resisted the urge to share it with any of my friends, post it to Facebook, or even Tweet a link to it. I am sure many have seen it already, but something like this absolutely has to be shared. I want everyone reading to get comfortable, kick back, and enjoy some of the finest Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time machinima I have ever laid eyes on. Prepare yourselves….for The Legend of Cool.

Now my day is complete, and thanks go to Joystiq for their post that led to my discovery of this video.

Dec 13

Screenshot Sunday #27

“Shadow on Earth” by WTF iTz RaMB0 on 11.25.2008

“No air…” by JokersFlame on 05.21.2009

“The Elements” by Vegas x777x on 04.03.2009

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Dec 08

Tech Tuesday #18: Expect Unexpected Results

Ryo here, survived another week and I’m back to throw things at people. Anyone have a car I can borrow? Mine was busted up in a wreck a few days ago. Promise I won’t make any modifications to it…well…maybe one or two. 😛

Moving right along from a story I’ve become sick of telling. What say we hop on a personal favorite topic of mine? That’s right…por…no wait, I mean Google. Sorry, bump on the head and all that. Anyway, Google announced they are making the shift to providing real time search results to its user base. Much like Twitter and Facebook currently do. Meaning that no longer will your searches for various news or hot topics include results that are several minutes old, but now just seconds old. Honestly the only way this can be improved upon speed wise is for Google to finally unveil the “Future Search” function they’ve been hiding away for themselves. I want to know what’s for dinner tonight but it seems my Google account hasn’t been verified for that secretive feature.

Just as a quick little side note to anyone wanting to make a quick buck, there’s some adware that the people providing it to you will pay you a dollar (presumably US currency) to install their software. The specific adware install has been labeled as C4DLMedia. If you are really in need of a dollar bad enough to install this ticking time bomb then you really need to start couch diving for change.

Gotta crack out my uber geek hat for this one. Think for a moment what the next step in computer networking is. If you said going completely wireless by replacing Gigabit Ethernet with something better than even the wireless 802.11N standard? Then yes, you think along the same lines as quite a few people. Imagine that for a bit though, your desktop wirelessly connected but achieving as good or even better speeds than it would have if you jacked in through Ethernet. That, my readers, sounds delightful since my primary computer is a laptop. Sometimes I need that extra bit of speed from a hard line connection in order to reduce latency between my media server setup and my Xbox 360 without stopping any downloads from running. 802.11N is the next step we’ve made towards paving the way for a nearly completely wireless world. Keep your eyes out for whatever the guys/girls at IEEE come up with next, because it will change how our networks are interfaced.

Pulling away from all the techie stuff for a moment, you wanna know what’s awesome? Killing a horde of zombies. Even better? Seeing a game about a horde of zombies in slow motion put to a classic Louis Armstrong song What A Wonderful World. Enjoy, my readers, keep your eyes out for those Boomers and I’ll see you next week.

Dec 06

Screenshot Sunday #26

“Frozen Wind” by PortablePenguin on 12.07.2008

“Happiness” by Desom on 05.25.2008

“FrostFire” by MisterFizz on 10.29.2008

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Dec 01

Tech Tuesday #17: If We Move This Here..

So it seems you survived the Turkey Day feast and the Black Friday insane crowds? Congratulations, now have fun with the rest of the year because the crowds never quite go away. While I would love to sit and just type up some stories about the holiday or one of the stories I heard from a local SWAT team member about our mall this year, but now is the time for tech news and stories of Cyber Monday but I am all out of stories for that.

Now, admittedly I didn’t know that Nissan had developed a special paint for their car that could “heal” surface scratches as long as it sits in the sun for awhile. Well, they have and they are licensing it out to a cell phone company. I’ve seen some pretty horrific phones after their owners put them through the usual day to day abuses. The next major advance in technology like this would have to be a self repairing screen, someone give me a ring once they perfect that one cause I know someone who needs a phone like that.

When you think of ways you can disturb a library yet remain as blended in as possible, what do you come up with? I first thought of some kind of speakers concealed in a student’s bag. Someone has something quite better, and admittedly not for annoying a library but it could be used for that. A group of designers sat down and created a very special bookmark. This bookmark has a solar cell, a speaker, and is tuned to a specific FM frequency to pick up that radio station. Yep, a bookmark that can play your favorite station’s tunes while you thumb through some reading material. The only potential downside to this bookmark is that each one has to be set to a fixed frequency so you need to order several if you want a few different stations. Not that big of a downside considering how cool this tech is.

This one is for the overclockers and the hardcore performance geeks out there. When you guys/girls buy a new motherboard for your PC, what do you like to look for? On that list the answer “overclocking options” always is there along with the proper slots for your video and audio cards. Asus is working on a new MoBo that should make overclocking one step easier. Normally when you want to overclock your computer, you have to reboot and go into the BIOS settings but with Asus’ new MoBo you can set such settings with a bluetooth enabled phone. Pretty cool, right? Unfortunately, there isn’t any word on when this new piece of computer tech will hit shelves or how much coin you’ll have to scrounge up to purchase it. Unlikely this will be under any trees this year, maybe next year.

With that, I sign off to venture back to boot into Halo 3 again. Recently I’ve gotten back into the routine of playing a few matches a night like I used to about a year ago, some good times were had in Matchmaking and I look forward to more good times. So I leave you with this video that I found quite awhile back.