Hello everyone! I recently received a notification from the ECA (Entertainment Consumers Association) about getting net neutrality up on its feet.
Want to know more? Please, read ahead!
“Now is the time for you to stand up for your rights and join millions of Americans of every political persuasion in the fight for Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality is the principle that ensures that gamers are free to go where they want, do what they like, and connect with whom they choose online. Congressmen Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) have introduced H.R. 3458, the Internet Freedom Preservation Act of 2009.
Without Net Neutrality, your Internet Service Provider is free to: charge you extra for playing World of Warcraft, to interfere with Xbox Live, or to completely shut off your ability to access for favorite web sites. Net Neutrality effects your entire online experience.
This is our best chance yet in making sure that Net Neutrality is passed by Congress. The head of the FCC supports it, the President of the United States supports it, and we’re asking you to make sure to tell Congress you support it. Take a moment to send them the message to make Net Neutrality the law.”
I’d like to thank the ECA for sending me these messages through e-mail and facebook. The above message is verbatim to what I received. This affects all of us, online gamers especially! Take matters into your own hands and tell our representatives how you feel about this!
Please check out TheECA.com for more information on video game advocacy.
Technology is certainly a wonderful thing. It brings those interactive video entertainment discs to life in our living room, and inspires the college geek to build a robot to serve cold beers to all his friends (gotta love MIT). You wouldn’t be reading these groupings of pixels on a screen right now without it. So sit back, take a sip of a cold beverage and enjoy the first posting of Tech Tuesday.
Tech Tuesdays will be commandeered by myself, and any random geek I knock out on the street and drag in here to assist me. Nah, kidding about the dragging part. Gotta love wifi, hmm?
Anyway, tech is always changing so news is rarely ever stale. That is unless you wait a week to report on it, then a newer version of whatever you were talking about has been announced/released. I am sure I’ll dig up some tasty morsels to share with the rest of you (that’s still debatable on the sharing part) particularly since defcon is starting up again. Defcon always produces interesting home made tech by the everyday hacker/geek. Some of the competitions are interesting as well, and you gotta admit the badges they redesign every year would be a major piece of swag you’d proudly display in your home. Well at least I would.
During my scouring the net, I ran across this post over at Hack-a-Day that talks about a new kind of thermal paste made by a techie. Jared Bouck decided that he didn’t want to use the most common substance found in thermal paste, silver. He decided to change up the formula a bit and purchased some diamond dust to toss into a silicon “grease.” The results? He used the same machine for the tests, and found that the diamond paste gave him nearly a 20 degree cooling difference from Arctic Silver on his machine, I would say that is a significant improvement over the Arctic Silver compound originally used in his PC. Keep in mind, if you try diamond paste don’t expect to get exactly the same results as Jared reportedly has received. In other words, your mileage may vary.
While there is so much more I want to discuss about the world of tech and all its possibilities, I think I will leave you with this. One of the creepiest Palm Pre commercials I have seen. Seriously. Just watch it and tell me what you think.