Jul 26

Screenshots Sunday #9

“Ninja” by americanista123 on 09.30.2008

“HammeR” by PoLime on 03.17.2009

“Bayonet” by T7 BankShot on 07.03.2009

Want to be included in our next Screenshot Sunday?
Send an email to Screenshots@AMatchMadeInHalo.com with a link to your image or fileshare on Bungie.net.

Jul 07

Happy Bungie Day!

It’s the best time of the year! Today we celebrate Bungie’s bloody separation from Microsoft. Now it’s time for step seven!

Don’t know what step seven is? Now you will…

What else is going on during Bungie Day ’09?


You can play against Bungie! …To win recon armor!

There’s a huge fan-made card to Bungie! …Index worked hard on it, check it out!

Hawty McBloggy will have a Bungie day “gift” extravaganza! Check her front page for updates!

If you’re on Twitter, a bunch of Halo players are trying to make #BungieDay and #BungieDay09 trending topics. Help us out!

And finally… Check Bungie.net for any new updates on the best day of the year!

Remember, this is all for these awesome people….

The Bungie Team

The Bungie Team

Jul 05

Screenshots Sunday #8

“Stealth” by CB Blackcat on 11.15.2008

“Con” by PunkPirateAFO on 09.22.2008

“BOBByBURNERs” by CABOOSE C23 on 06.24.2009

Want to be included in our next Screenshot Sunday?
Send an email to Screenshots@AMatchMadeInHalo.com with a link to your image or fileshare on Bungie.net.

Jul 01

Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker

Who woudda thunk it? A child packed full of talent from Gary, Indiana who became a household name has managed to touch many lives in many different ways.

Before our dear MJ was dancing with zombies, he was singing his little heart out with the musical group, the Jackson 5. His stardom evolved into amazing albums like “Off the Wall” and the ever successful “Thriller.” The songs (and awesome dances) from these albums will remain forever iconic in our hearts, minds, and dancing feet.

But did you know that MJ not only had a music and movie legacy, but a video game legacy? ‘Tis true! The game Michael Jackson’s moon walker where MJ uses his awesome Moonwalker style to save kidnapped children from the evil boss “Mr. Big” helped him get a small foothold in our beloved gaming industry. There was arcade and console version of the game, although the MIDI-style music on the console wasn’t as near as good as the arcade’s music.

At the unfortunate time of his death, it was rumored that he was working on a new video game for several platforms. Although, the game was never officially confirmed.

For MJ awesomeness, check out Billie Tweets . It’s so awesome, I can’t even describe to you how awesome it is. Just check it out!

Also, be sure to check out BS Angel’s article about some AWESOME MJ Halo screenshots!

Thanks to Cnet News for providing info about the MJ video game!

And now, for the sake of nostalgia…

Jun 30

Lego Arcade

What happens when you mix retro video games, legos, stop-motion animation and some creativity? Watch the video below to find out.

Jun 29

Matchmaking Monday #1

Hello, and welcome to the very first Matchmaking Monday! In this article series, I’ll be recounting stories from online shenanigans that vary from stories in Campaign to the most exciting/fail-filled matches in Slayer. Now, while not technically matchmaking, I thought I’d share this story because it’s pretty recent in my mind. This is a short recount of my attempt and success at obtaining the Annual achievement in Halo 3.

Human, and Elites

So in the beginning, there were four. Me (Ken Raves), PsychoVandal (on his son’s account), and my friends ElusiveEagle519, and AKACptShadow. I won’t bore with details such as our arming up, or our small skirmish across the snowy hills up to the control room. What I will recount here is our first major obstacle: grenade/double jumping. We march over to the far right of the spire, opposite the side with the ramps you normally should be ascending.
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