Mar 29
RF Photography was the official photographer for our wedding. We were introduced to Frank sometime in August of 2008. In early September we had the pleasure of having him take our engagement photos. They turned out amazing and are by far the best pictures of Psycho and I.
Although we had been together for over three years, we had very few photos together and even fewer good ones. Thanks to Frank that is no longer the case. He was very easy to work with and completely open to all the shots we wanted to take with our Legendary Halo Head, which happen to be my favorite shots.
RF Photography was started over 15 years ago in Orlando. The naming of RF Photography is a easy one. ‘R’ for Roxanne (wife and boss) and ‘F’ for Frank (primary photographer). Frank received his first camera at the age of 13 and it was love at first sight. He immediately immersed himself into photography. He worked at several camera stores to support his ‘habit’ and photographed his first wedding at the age of 18. He worked in photography his whole life in one aspect or another. From hand printing color portraits for a studio outside of San Francisco to custom B&W printing for labs in southern California.
Our wedding photos were just as beautiful as the engagement shots. Frank was able to capture great photos of everyone at the wedding. Family and friends (curious Halo fans too!) are able to order prints of the wedding directly from the RF Photography website. I’ve conveniently set up the domain name to go straight to the images. Sadly, they will only be available for purchase online until March 30th. Please make sure to order your prints if you haven’t done so already.
Over the next few weeks, I will be using Frank’s photos to personally thank each vendor. Thank you RF photography for providing us amazing photos of our extremely unique and special day.

Mar 29
Things have changed quite a bit since the wedding. Psycho and I have been playing Halo more often. We’re also beginning to discover how deep the Halo rabbit hole really goes. There are so many Halo 3 forums and communities but we were referred to one in particular, Facility B5D. It was named after the ONI Ordnance Testing Facility B5D in Swanbourne, Perth of Western Australia where they designed and tested the Mark VI MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/S variant and the Mark VI MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/R variant for the Spartan-IIs.
We’ve made several new friends which we’ve been playing with regularly, one of whom is graphic designer and B5D Moderator x Awal x. I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to x Awal x about graphic design and where I received my degree. After hearing all the good things I had to say about Full Sail, he decided to attend a Behind The Scenes tour.
PsychoVandal and I met up with x Awal x at the end of his tour to see what he thought. He was extremely excited. So will I be bumping into x Awal x in the Full Sail corridors anytime soon? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Mar 26
I realize it may seem as if we were done blogging. It may seem as though we’ve given up, as if there were no longer a story to tell. You’re wrong.
What you may not know is that for the last month there has been a dark sinister cloud raining on us. It seems as though it has been just one bad thing after another. It started with a double wammy GT mishap, then everyone suffering from allergies and the flu, followed by our apartment (our more specifically our ENTIRE bedroom) getting flooded, and after a visit to the doctors we were informed that Psycho’s liver is unhappy. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? It is. Sad but True.
After running a second round of blood tests and completing an ultrasound we’re no closer to finding out what’s wrong. Gotta love modern medicine. We’re hoping to know more within the next week or so.
In the meantime, and in between wishes us well, just be aware the blogging will continue. Thanks for the support.
Mar 02
PsychoVandal was messing around in Forge this evening and took a pretty sweet picture of us. It was interesting watching him tag me with a plasma grenade, then quickly turn to kneel in front of me for the picture. It took a couple of tries, but I think we like this one the best.
Be a good soldier and recommend it to a couple of friends if you like it too. Hoo-rah!
Feb 26
Psycho and I were invited to make a guest appearance on The Daily Buzz this morning. I woke up at about 4 am (Does that count as being the butt crack of dawn?) to shower and get ready.
Here is a little bit about the show, which I borrowed from wikipedia:
The Daily Buzz is a nationally syndicated morning news program produced in Orlando, Florida by ACME Communications shown mostly on The CW or MyNetwork TV affiliates. The show is one of the fastest growing syndicated shows in America. It started on September 16, 2002 with 10 stations and has grown to encompass 39% of American television audiences. The show is known for its informal atmosphere as opposed to its more conservative counterparts.
The three-hour program is broadcast every weekday morning. It is currently carried in 149 U.S. television markets, some of which only broadcast two hours of the program.
It’s also broadcasts on Full Sail University’s campus.
We had the absolute pleasure of meeting with, and being interviewed by Andy and Andrea. They seemed genuinely excited to sit with us; That’s always a plus!
Right now the whole show can be seen on Ustream. I’m working on getting a high res version which I’ll be sure to upload to our youtube channel. We appear twice, once at 00:47:00 and then again at 01:33:25.
Free live streaming by Ustream
| Tags: A Match Made In Halo, AMMIH, Andrea Jackson, Andy Campbell, Desirai Labrada, Full Sail University, Halo Themed Wedding, John Henry, PsychoVandal, SickNdehed, Television, The Daily Buzz
Feb 15
It feels like I’ve been thinking about my Thank You cards forever. Do I make them look like the invitations? Use imagery of our spartans in Recon? a picture from the wedding? Well, after spending hours in photoshop with game images of us in Recon, and trying to incorporate invitation design elements, I gave up. I decided to go with something entirely different.
Out of all of our pre-wedding photos, the ones I enjoy the most include Augustus (affectionately named so by one of our bridesmaids.) Eventually I came up with the concept of photographing a romantic gaming scene with Augustus in the background while focusing on our wedding bands. Lacking equipment and photography skills, I called my good friend Tom Winn for help. The photos turned out great!
{ CLICK HERE to see pics }
Psycho and I were pretty torn about 3 different images. One showing Augustus, one with very focused wedding bands and blurred controllers, and lastly, an image of both our hands resting on a controller. After asking a few friends I decided to go with the last one. Our hands on the controller seemed like the most personal photo. We owe so much to our friends, family, and of course all the sponsors who helped make our wedding day possible. I’m hoping the Thank You card imagery helps convey our gratitude and sincerity.
| Tags: AMMIH, Augustus, Desirai Labrada, Halo Head, Halo Themed Wedding, John Henry, Photography, PsychoVandal, SickNdehed, Thank You Cards, Tom Winn