Tag Archives: Xbox Live

Jun 26

Screenshot Sunday #83

Dark Warriors “Crimson Hero” by SniperReturns on 2.18.2011

Jun 13

E3: Dance Central 2

The next biggest Kinect game announced at E3 was a successor to the game that dominated at launch. It’s easy to say that Harmonix is definitely holding the torch for Kinect right now. We still enjoy Dance Central and CANNOT wait for 2 to be released.

Jun 12

Screenshot Sunday #82

I may have read it in the past, but it was only recently that it sank in that I could tag Screenshots in game. SO, if you guys want your Shots reviewed for showcase here on our blog, tag them with “SSS” and I’ll get to looking at them. Here are some found recently… “Rocketman” […]

May 15

Screenshot Sunday #81

Portal 2 was released on April 21, 2011. I have beaten the crap out of it, and want to do it OVER and OVER again. Others have taken to different means of satisfying their craving for it… “PORTAL” by Kurnel Porkchop on 4.29.2011

Apr 10

Screenshot Sunday #81

In lieu of Bungie’s Weekly contest #14, I looked for a few Hunters to show this week. There’s also one titled that I know Hamrick could enjoy… “Shadow of the Colossus” by KeenEyedMole on 1.19.2011

Feb 20

Screenshot Sunday #80

Go Ninja! Go, Ninja Go! “Ink Warrior” by Aaron of Konoha on 11.03.2010