Mar 11

When first rumors hit the internet that there was a good chance gamers would get the opportunity to head back to Rapture, needless to say I was a bit excited. Read More »
Mar 09

For years now I have been telling anyone who would listen about my plans to build a website based on music videos. “It would be everything that MTV is NOT,” I’d say. It would not only let you to search for specific artists or songs, but it would also allow you to save playlists to share with your friends or the world.. In other words, it would take all the great qualities from Napster and iTunes, and apply them to videos instead of just music. Read More »
Mar 06

“Black Ink” by IxDarkclouDxI on 04.29.2009

“camoed” by a cuban cat on 08.22.2008

“Battle stance” by nl beer on 10.04.2009
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Mar 05
Hey, let’s review Modern Warfare 2!
Okay, so my history with Modern Warfare has a strange tangent in my gaming life. When Call of Duty 4 first came out I was like “Meh…” I mean, I loved what I was seeing – nukes and stuff – but I didn’t really care. I was still “Finishing the Fight.” Then on one relatively cloudy day, I was down at a Blockbuster browsing the game section. I was looking for something to take up a weekend of time, but be worth the money. I spotted a copy of Modern Warfare in the stands. I nabbed it and started playing the second I got home. Suffice it to say, I loved the experience! Read More »
Mar 02

This week’s Tech Tuesday is all about Google. Think the title is exaggerating a bit? Not so fast! We all know about Google’s mainstream applications like Gmail, Google Talk and Google Docs, and I recently wrote about the new Google Buzz, but you may not know about Google’s less advertised initiatives. Google has seeds planted in many large, well-established industries like internet service and public utilities. Are they setting themselves up to take over your world? You be the judge! Read More »