Tech Tuesday #3: Wishing For A New Pillow

Ryo back again with another seemingly random title, as is the normal routine you will understand it later. Before we start today, I wanted to do a bit of a follow-up to the first Tech Tuesday. Remember the creepy commercial I signed off on with that post? Well Palm has continued to crank out those things with the same actress and the newest one is up for everyone to…enjoy? She’s still creepy if you ask me, but hey…that is a cool feature she shows off.

Alright, now that I have shared with you another installment of unusual phone commercials…let’s jump to some interesting gadgets shall we? Ran across something fairly cool if you use a webcam to take video for whatever reason. Coming to stores September 9th is Microsoft’s latest addition to the LifeCam series. Dubbed LifeCam Cinema HD this monster of a webcam will be capable of capturing video in full 720p. To answer the inevitable question, yes it requires a hefty processor to record that high quality of a video stream.

When I first read the title of this next little tidbit, I had to stop a moment and deep down my inner Trekkie stirred a little. If I tried to say I didn’t want this gadget, I’d crack up laughing that probably would quickly fade to a longing sob at not having the money for this. Pathetic? Possibly, but it still can’t take away from the sheer awesome-ness that is the Tricorder PMP-09. The thing even has twelve LCARS themes on it. Twelve! That puts my four little LCARS themes I have on my Nokia N810 to shame. Seriously, I love some of the stuff fellow Star Trek fans come up with.

Moore’s Law states the transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit doubles roughly every two years, give or take a bit of time. Why do I bring this up? Well I caught wind of a story about IBM looking to sustain Moore’s Law in terms of processing power by doing some research into using DNA to reduce the size of processor chips. In order to keep up with Moore’s Law, the chips have to shrink while going up in processing power but that of course has its costs associated in production. IBM is looking to employ DNA molecules as a sort of framework for the chip itself while the data is transferred across the chip by use of carbon nanotubes. Basically this all boils down to a few things: one, IBM wants to use nano-tech to reduce the size of processor chips and two, we get more powerful CPUs for our computers that will help with running those intense game sessions some of us tend to fall into. I see this as a win/win situation, a new technology gets put to use and consumers get more powerful computers as the end result.

Well, the time has come to explain my interesting choice in titles. No, my pillow is just fine. I’m just a sucker for a cool idea and implementation of said idea. In this case, a guy built an alarm clock directly into his pillow with a soft LED display and motion control. I watched the video and was surprised to see the dimming feature of the display to prevent it from keeping you awake when you are sleeping. Honestly would kick my clock out my window if I had one of these things.