SMC: Popcorn Shrimp

So recently I have discovered an old passion of mine. Something that is very familiar and I have fond childhood memories of. One of the very first things I used to seek out in the mall on every trip by the arcade. Pinball.


My story with pinball starts simple. Fascinating with the blinking lights and quarters to burn. I was hooked the very first time I played, and have always gone back to the game over the years. So my recent purchase of Pinball FX2 for the Arcade makes quite a bit of sense. Four tables to enjoy myself on, others that I will purchase later on down the road (read: not poor).

Playing through the tables, I noticed a trend amongst my friends list on Live. Not many of my friends actually play that game it seems. A shame, because a good game of pinball is easy to squeeze in before work. Peggle as well, but let’s not delve into that today.

I am curious how many of the AMMIH readers have even a slight passion for the game. Better yet, a good story to tell. I’m sure someone has a story better than mine which involves drunken people shouting in my ear while attempting to beat the latest high score. While you ponder on your own history with pinball, here’s a video that should explain a seemingly random choice in titles.