Tech Tuesday #23: This Is Sp…No, Wait. Wrong Intro.

Here we are again. We’ve managed to survive another week. I am curious as to how bad these recent two cold snaps hit some of you. Any sheets of ice coating the roads? We all know those are loads of fun. So, taking a break from wrapping myself up in layers of blankets and glaring at the thermometer…I took a bit of time to dig through some news headlines, and John’s recent post with the Star Wars pun. No, John, I don’t intend to let you live that down for awhile. I’ll have the rest of the day to poke fun at John, so let’s get to T.T. shall we?

Microsoft has pulled nearly every version of its Microsoft Office program from its own website. Why? Back in 2009, there was a copyright infringement case that Microsoft lost and this is how they are taking action to comply with the court’s rulings. To anyone following this ordeal, it seems a bit comical as they try to seemingly not make a big deal out of why they removed all but one version of Office. For those really needing a new version of a word processor, I recommend OpenOffice which has been a good replacement of MS Office on my laptop for quite some time.

The group over at Google has made a bit of a slip up this time around. Random e-mails were sent out to Google customer’s detailing the web traffic of businesses. All fine and what-not, but these businesses were not owned by them and most have not even heard of the merchants they were reading about in the e-mail. Every single reported case of this incident says they received the November 2009 traffic for a random business they had no connection to. Bit of an odd slip up, but one none the less as for some this can be very private information that you wouldn’t want some random Joe off the street to know. Google’s course of action? Blame human error and stop sending out traffic e-mails until they can figure out where the slip up started. Have fun with that Google, do tell us if anyone gets fired over this.

Tell me how you’d love to spend an afternoon. Sun tanning on a beach? Nah. Playing golf with…yea, not going to make that joke. Let’s move along before I pick a name out of a hat of famous golf pros to make fun of (read: Tiger Woods). How I wouldn’t mind spending an afternoon? Testing a bunch of cool smartphones. Seriously. I would love to sit and just toy with the things until I was forced to write my summary of how well they performed in comparison to each other. Well, it seems someone had just that job. Though they just compared how well each touch screen worked using the simple built in drawing program on each of the phones. iPhone came out as the overall winner, but the Nexus One by Google was by far the winner when it came to recognizing touches at the very edges of the screen. If you have a touchscreen smartphone, it is very simple to reproduce this test so you can compare yours to the image provided by the MOTO Development Group who conducted the test.

Speaking of phones, go watch this clip from CES. Reporter Breaks “unbreakable” mobile phone

And any sort of creativity just died. I blame the cold and how freezing my room currently is at the moment. So I’m off to bask in the glow of my HDTV playing some Dragon Age: Origins and….yea, I think I’ll watch this video too. Want to see? Alright then, here you are. 😛


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