Ryokea (Author Archives)

A techie geek and gamer from a small town. I can always be found messing around with my laptop or sitting down in front of my tv to dive head first into a good video game.

DIY Arcade

in Geekery

Ryo here, this will be the first post of a very sporadic series of updates about a personal project I intend to undertake. The idea behind it is I have always wanted to own an arcade cabinet since I was a kid playing Joust and Galaga. That dream is still alive, just much more toned […]


SMC: Holiday Cheers

in Saturday Morning Chatter

Ryo here, stopping in to wish everyone a warm holiday spent with their family or a favorite video game. Take your pick because I’ll be doing a bit of both. After the holidays are over, drop a comment here and tell us what sorts of gaming gifts you received. So tear into those gifts, down […]


SMC: A Sad Note

in Saturday Morning Chatter

Morning readers. I’ve been absent from the site for the last few weeks due to Skyrim being launched then falling ill (read: sleep deprivation from Skyrim sessions) and while normally I try to come back on a positive note with some of the humor my friends know me by, that is not the case today.


SMC: Claptrap Eulogy

in Saturday Morning Chatter

Morning readers, I stumbled across today’s story and immediately knew it would be what I picked for today’s topic. A Borderlands fan passed away due to cancer, and his friend decided to make a plea to Gearbox to have Claptrap deliver a eulogy to the deceased gamer. Well, Gearbox has delivered and even promised to […]


SMC: Nerdgasm

in Saturday Morning Chatter

Morning, today brings us another teaser of a game that is so very near the release date. One that I have been keeping track of the days until its launch and will honestly admit to be completely amped up for. Skyrim has been a title I’ve been wanting to get my hands on since the […]


SMC: It Returns

in Saturday Morning Chatter

Morning readers. Today’s tidbit of news and the topic is something that has already happened twice, now becoming something of a tradition for a very well known free to play game.