Xx InStyle76 xX (Author Archives)


iPhone 4G (aka iPhone 4GS, aka iPhone HD) Real or Fake? – Tech Tuesday #36

in Geekery, Tech

So how would you like to be fresh out of college, get a dream job for a company you love, get included in a project testing out a prototype upgrade to one of their uber-p0pular devices, then accidentally allow it fall into the hands of the press well before it was scheduled to be announced? […]


Microsoft announces the Kin and Apple refreshes their MacBook Pro line – Tech Tuesday #35

in Foundation

Times like this are why I really love being into technology! There are so many new developments, not even a week goes by without some new product-line launching. A few days ago we saw Apple released their new iPhone OS 4 to developers, and just recently they announced upgrades to their MacBook Pro laptops. Not […]


iPhone OS 4

in Geekery, Tech

Hot on the tail of the recent iPad launch, Apple also announced a major upgrade to the iPhone operating system. In a nutshell, there’s some really nice stuff coming down the pipe. Here are some of the highlights from today’s press event


iPad vs JooJoo… FIGHT! LET’S GET IT ON!* – Tech Tuesday #34

in Geekery, Tech

In case you haven’t kept up with the news, or turned on your tv in the past week, the iPad officially went on sale to the general public a few days ago and sold a staggering 700k respectable 300k units on launch day. I reviewed the iPad a few weeks back (new readers can get […]


Playstation Move takes on the Wii and Project Natal – Tech Tuesday #33

in Geekery, Tech

Earlier this month, Sony launched their answer to Nintendo’s Wii and Microsoft’s upcoming Natal dubbed the PlayStation Move. While coning in late to the game, Sony’s offering does show some promise. But is it enough to have any impact?


How gaming can change the world

in Gaming, Geekery, Tech

Just saw this awesome keynote on TED Talks and wanted to share it with you guys. Jane McGonigal explains how we can take values and lessons learned while playing video games and apply them to solving real-world problems.