Category Archives: Saturday Morning Chatter

SMC: Nerdgasm

Morning, today brings us another teaser of a game that is so very near the release date. One that I have been keeping track of the days until its launch and will honestly admit to be completely amped up for. Skyrim has been a title I’ve been wanting to get my hands on since the […]


SMC: It Returns

Morning readers. Today’s tidbit of news and the topic is something that has already happened twice, now becoming something of a tradition for a very well known free to play game.


SMC: PS3 Keyboard and Mouse

Morning readers, time for a quick chat. Today we have a bit of news from Sony that should intrigue some gamers, but first a bit of non-gaming news.


Saturday Morning Chatter: WTF?

Ryo here with the first of what I intend to be a weekly ordeal. It’s been awhile since I’ve been seen on the site, and it has been even longer since I decided to shoulder a weekly article slot. Tech Tuesday was my last attempt at things, and while I enjoyed doing it some things […]