Category Archives: Geekery

For the geeky things we love

Angry Birds’ Eggscelent Cookbook Coming soon

At the Open Mobile Summit in London, Peter Vesterbacka, Rovio’s head of marketing and business development recently announced that the masterminds behind Angry Birds will be releasing a Cookbook. Yes, that’s twice I said, “Cookbook.”


Screenshot Sunday #81

Portal 2 was released on April 21, 2011. I have beaten the crap out of it, and want to do it OVER and OVER again. Others have taken to different means of satisfying their craving for it… “PORTAL” by Kurnel Porkchop on 4.29.2011


Halo Dance Central

How could I have missed this? It must have quietly snuck by as I struggled to avoid the internet on April 1st. Watch carefully though, I’d hate for you to miss all the awesomely renamed dance moves. Let’s dance! 1, 2, 3, 4…Reach Around, Melee The Grunt, Betcha Can’t Stick it, now Plasma Dodge, Tea […]


V-Day Nod

Cruising through the net today in between matches of Firefight on Reach, it was brought to my attention that Halo Waypoint did a piece over Halo couples. Well as you can imagine, John and Des were listed amongst them. The article tells their story of how they met by pure chance. We’ll be placing a […]


Graphics And What They Mean Now

Hello readers, I happened to sit down and flip through my usual RSS feeds of gaming related news to find an interesting article posted over at IGN. It touches on a phenomena that was tremendously common just a handful of years ago. The rush for bleeding edge graphics in games.


Josh Hamrick: Memoirs of a Gamer

This past Thursday, Full Sail University’s Game Development program Graduate, Josh Hamrick the Sandbox Designer form Bungie studios, gave his Alma Mater and its current students a presentation about his life leading up to and becoming a Game Dev in the industry. His presentation was thought provoking, inspiring, humorous, and most of all… driven. To […]